Just like a butterfly, transformation is possible.
Transformation continue within RSTherapyGroup.com, we are proud to launch BlackSheepRebranded.ca, our podcast services. This is a continuation of our efforts to provide unparalleled services to anyone who is want to take their life to the next level. There is a little bit of Black Sheep in all of us and we are Rebranding these feelings from embarrassment to being proud of your uniqueness and celebrating the Black Sheep in you that makes you stand out.
Everyone’s journey is as unique as they are and that's how your counselling should be. My job is to listen, then help you reach your goals, whatever your goals are.
In the world of counselling I'm unique for several reasons however the reason that should stand out the most is how my clients find me. The vast majority of my new clients are referrals from my other existing or past clients. The next most common method clients end up in my office is doctors and employers referring individuals who are affected by traumatic events in their lives. This includes people involved in or affected by a traumatic accidents or loss, as well as 1st responders who have seen one too many unforgettable sites during their day to day jobs. Beyond these two sources for new clients there are a few who find me through an internet search. Understanding I am not depending on an insurance company to provide referrals means that I provide a unique and unparalleled service for counselling, couching and mentoring.
Although I do not receive direct referrals from insurance companies, those insurance and EAP / EFAP plans which list Social Workers with a Masters in Social Work (MSW) as a qualified provider will typically directly reimburse you for my services. This reimbursement is limited to the details of your individual plan. Please contact me for further information.
If you feel stuck, want to change some part of your life or who you are, then give me a call or send me an email or text.
All services are available in person in Stratford at my office. For those who are unable to come to Stratford, I'm available by phone or video sessions. I actively do sessions by phone and video with clients from coast to coast across Canada. Continuity for my clients is imperative and for this reason I make every effort possible to provide seamless service for my clients regardless of circumstances of time or place.
Appointments are available:
Between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm Monday thru Thursdays and Saturdays from 9:00 am till mid day. During the summer sessions are available on alternating weekends.
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